About me
2014 - 2018 - doctoral studies in history at the Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
dissertation titled Community archives in Poland - multiple case study (defended in May 2018)
supervisor: dr hab. Waldemar Chorążyczewski, prof. NCU
specialization: archival science and records management
2012 - 2014 - master's studies in archival science and records management at the Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
master thesis titled Problems of archival theory in community archives
supervisor: dr hab. Waldemar Chorążyczewski, prof. NCU
2009 - 2012 - bachelor's studies in archival science and records management at the Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
bachelor thesis titled The phenomenon of community archiving in Poland
supervisor: dr hab. Waldemar Chorążyczewski, prof. NCU
Professional & research experience
since October 2020 – assistant professor at the Department of Archival Science and Records Management, Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland,
since October 2023 – PI of a research project Impact of independent community archives (funded by the National Science Center in Kraków),
March-May 2024 – Visiting Professor at Queens College, City University of New York, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies (research project sponsored by the Kosciuszko Foundation).
2018–2020 – assistant at the Department of Archival Science, Faculty of History, NCU,
2016–2019 – PI of a research project Community archives in Poland - multiple case study (funded by the National Science Center in Kraków),
2016–2017 – PI of a research project The term community archives - building a definition (funded by the Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University),
2015–2016 – PI of a research project Oral history in community archives (funded by the Faculty of History, Nicolaus Copernicus University),
2014–2016 – participation in a project of co-operation between the Faculty of History, NCU and the National Digital Archives in Warsaw, title of the project: Keeping the digital archival heritage.
Most important scientific conferences
8.11.2012; Lublin, Poland; conference title: Archiwa organizacji pozarządowych w Polsce [Archives of non-governmental organizations]; paper title: Funkcje archiwów społecznych [Functions of community archives],
29–31.07.2015; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; conference title: the Seventh International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA 7); paper title: History of community archiving in Poland,
21–22.04.2016; Toruń, Poland; conference title: VI Wiosenne Spotkania Archiwalne [6th Spring Archival Meetings]; paper title: Badanie zarządzania dokumentacją z użyciem metod empirycznych badań jakościowych [Studying records management using empirical qualitative research methods],
29.09-1.10.2016; Kraków, Poland; conference title: Participatory Culture and the Future of Democracy; paper title: Community archives in Poland – the past, the present and the future of the grassroots documentary movement,
20–21.06.2017; Wrocław, Poland; conference title: VI Transdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Badań Jakościowych, Między poznaniem a zmianą. Postępy, kontrowersje, perspektywy współczesnych badań jakościowych [6th Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research; Between cognition and change. Progress, controversies, perspectives in contemporary qualitative research]; paper title: Wielokrotne studium przypadku archiwów społecznych w Polsce – wyzwania i problemy [Multiple case study of community archives in Poland - challenges and problems],
6-7.12.2017; Toruń, Poland; conference title: VI Toruńskie Konfrontacje Archiwalne [6th Toruń Archival Confrontation]; paper title: O metodach badawczych stosowanych w archiwistyce [About research methods in archival science] [co-author: Monika Cołbecka],
14–15.06.2018; Vilnius, Lithuania; conference title: Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights; paper title: Researching community archives – about traps of empirical approach,
8-12.07.2019; Liverpool, UK; conference title: Archival Education and Research Institute, AERI 2019; paper title: Arrangement and description of archival materials in community archives in Poland.
14.10.2021; Invited talk organized by the Society of American Archivists, International Archival Affairs Section, seminar series 'Archival Landscapes'; presentation about the Polish archival landscape (online).
16-20.08.2022; Berlin, Germany; conference title: 6th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History; paper title: Public activity of community archives in Poland - examples from a multiple case study + co-organization (with Andrew Flinn) of the panel Community Archives and Public History.
Additional functions & memberships
since 2014 – member of the editorial board of the scientific journal „Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory"/"Archives – Chanceries – Collections",
2018 – member of the team of WebArchiving working group (a scientific and education project at the Digital Humanities Laboratory at the Warsaw University, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education),
2019–2024 - Dean's representative for mobility and academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ program,
since 2021 - member of the Programming Council of the Community Archives Center,
member of the Society of Polish Archivists, local branch in Toruń,
member of the International Council on Archives.
Additional information
experience in using learning management system Moodle,
experience in using the integrated system of archival information used by Polish state archives (ZoSIA - Zintegrowany System Informacji Archiwalnej),
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE),
on-line MOOC course Arts and Heritage Management (organized by Bocconi University in Milan, on platform Coursera),
on-line MOOC course Research Data Management for Researchers - Introduction / Zarządzanie danymi badawczymi dla naukowców - kurs podstawowy (organized by University of Warsaw, on platform Navoica).